Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Spontaneous Combustion

14 Credit hours might be too much . . . or maybe it's that I'm not committed to writing right now. It's all I want to do, I am still browsing all the empty journals who beg and thirst and hunger for words to be dribbled and glazed, poured, spattered, and splashed onto their page and I long to do it.

But I don't want to write a position paper, I don't want to write academic essays, I don't even want to write the journals for my Women's Studies course even though they are delicious and delightful and have the potential to be the kind of writing I love to do.

I am ilinspired.I am exhausted and overwhelmed and I know I am capable of working full time and going to school full time . . . I keep wondering if I've bitten off more than I can chew . . . but that doesn't seem real because I'm not putting in the time!

How can I have taken on too much if I don't even do what I can?

I can't even tell what's real and what isn't anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is only one real thing that you can know for sure. That is You. The rest of your reality is up to you to define, decide, and then take action on.
Sometimes we all just need some downtime, an escape from reality for a bit...
Personally, I don't know many people who could handle the load you've taken on! Don't feel guilty for what you haven't accomplished, but take pride in what you've done!
Good Luck!