Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Critic

You know that voice? The one in the back of your mind that chatters all day long? I'm pretty familiar with mine, she's a spiteful, HATEFUL person. She tells me regularly, that I spend too much money, that I'm not a good student, that I eat the wrong things, stay up too late, don't do my job well, drive like a maniac, don't read enough, don't spend enough time with my friends, that I'm selfish, that I don't give back to the community that gives so much to me. I think you get the idea. Anyway, this rude and insensitive person is not me. But all too often, I let this person be in charge of what I do and say, think and feel . . . it boils down to my greatest fear of not being good enough.

I think knowing that the voice that chatters all day long, isn't me . . . is the first step.

I want this blog to be painfully honest, I hope that being more honest with myself and being honest with people who I love and care for as well as complete strangers who may or may not care will help me grow.

Today I am tired. The critic has been beating me up for weeks. So I came home and put on my favorite sweater and scarf. I've got some work to do.

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